Assalamualaikum, Anyeong,Aku Anin Enjoy my Blog ya :D

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Ost Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Someday

I don't know how much longer
that I have to put up everything
hide all the truth in my heart
every time we meet
every time you turn to me
that I pretend to be still
do you know how much I have to force myself?
can you hear it?
my heart is telling you I love you
but I can't reveal my true feeling to anyone 
can you hear it?
my heart is waiting there for you to open
and I hope you will realize

though I love you
though I feel it
but deep inside isn't brave enough
every time we meet
every time you turn to me
that I pretend to be still
do you know how much I have to force myself?

can you hear it?
my heart is telling you I love you
but I can't reveal my true feeling to anyone 
can you hear it?
my heart is waiting there for you to open
and I hope you will realize 

can you hear it?
my heart is telling you I love you
but I can't reveal my true feeling to anyone 
can you hear it?
my heart is still waiting there for you to open
and I hope you will realize
that I'm the one here to love you
I'm begging you please to know it

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Ini Bukan Putri yang Ditukar

Hai teman-teman. Aku mau cerita. Ini bukan sinetron Putri yang Ditukar. Ini bukan sinetron. Ini bukan skenario sinetron. Tapi, ini kayak sinetron.
Hari Kamis 2 minggu yang lalu ada mapel Seni Musik. Aku lupa bawa suling teman-temaaaan. Hiks. Aku juga udah bilang ke bapak untuk nganter sulingku. Pelajaran seni musik hampir di mulai, ini jam pelajaran pertama, jadinya repot kalau suling sampai ketinggalan gini. Pas ke pos satpam, ternyata belum ada suling yang dianter. Aku udah sms bapak pake hpnya Mita. Tapi nggak ada balesan. Kebetulan hpku ada di tas, jadinya nggak tau kalau bapak sms ke hpku. Beberapa menit kemudian, ternyata sulingnya belum sampe juga. Akhirnya aku sama Mita langsung ke lab musik. Aku pinjem sulingnya Arista deh.
Pelajaran seni musik pun selesai. Aku belum jadi ngambil sulingku.
Hari Selasa minggu lalu, aku baru inget kalau sulingku belum tak ambil di pos satpam. Mita lagi yang nemenin aku kesana. Sampai di pos satpam, aku nanya ke pak satpam soal ada suling atau enggak, sambil jelasin juga. Nah, ternyata cuma ada 1 suling di situ. Anehnya, kenapa sulingnya pakai sarung? Bukan sarung yang kotak-kotak itu lho ya, maksudnya tempatnya suling._. Kalo sulingku kan nggak ada sarungnya. Setelah aku liat sarungnya, di situ tertera nama "Jay Park" (nama disamarkan). Aku nunjukin nama itu ke Mita dengan ekspresi kaget, menganga, panik, iuh(?) Kita berdua jadi heboh sendiri. Ya, taulah kenapa kita heboh (bagi yang tau). Harusnya sulingku ketuker sama sulingnya D.O. Hahaha.
Karna nggak percaya, aku tanya ke pak satpam untuk memastikan bahwa ini punyaku atau punya Jay Park. Kan bisa aja pas dia ambil sulingnya, sarungnya ditinggal. Lalu, sama pak satpamnya, sulingku dimasukin ke sarungnya. Tapi pak satpamnya sama sekali nggak bilang kayak gitu-__- Akhirnya sampai di kelas, aku bilang ke Arista, Arfath, dan siapapun yang denger itu. Yang ada, mereka malah ngejekin-_- Kalau nggak salah, waktu itu Marisha lagi sholat dhuha. Sepanjang jam istirahat tadi, waktuku cuma dihabisin buat mempertimbangkan, "ini dikembaliin atau aku beli lagi?"._. Pas Marisha dateng, dia diceritain. Akhirnya, kesimpulannya: suling itu dikembaliin ke Jay Park! Tapi, nggak langsung ngasih ke Jay Parknya. Kebetulan temennya Jay Park yang Marisha kenal lewat depan IX-5 walaupun di luar halaman._. Akhirnya suling itu dititipin ke dia buat dikembaliin.
Lalu setelah itu, Jay Park ke kelasku dan ngembaliin suling itu juga. Dia ke kelasku sama temennya, tapi bukan D.O._. Nah, entah di sini yang nggonduk siapa. Dan ujung-ujungnya, aku diejekinnya malah sama Jay Park-_-
"Ini Bukan Putri yang Ditukar". Ya, memang benar. Aku nggak mbahas sinetron itu kan? Tapi, cerita ini layak di sebut "Suling yang Tertukar." ._. Udah, sekian.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

[SNSD] I GOT A BOY Translate

Ayo! GG! Yeah Yeah, shall we start?
Uh-muh! Look at her, look. What happened to her that she cut her hair? huh?
Uh-muh! Again look at her, look! From head to toe, her style has changed
Why did she do that? I’m curious to death, why did she do that? Tell me

Ha ha! Let me introduce myself! Here comes trouble! Follow after me!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you really are something else!
Who is she? Ridiculous
Do you know you’re too self-assertive? She thinks I’m average
Yeah, I guess she really liked him!
No way! No way!
She became so pretty and sexy, it’s because of him, right?
I almost asked her what her new makeup was
Truthfully, I’ve seen it for the first time
The deep eyes, like a scarred beast
I was dizzy by just talking to him!
You really are something else! You really are something else!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, You really are something else!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, You really are something else!
Ayo! Stop! Let me put it down another way.
*I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him
Ah, my prince! When are you gonna come save me?
Will you lift me in your arms and fly, like a white dream?
I’m like, surprised, mental collapse! He wants to see my face without makeup. I really like him, would it be okay to show it to him?
Oh! Never! Right? Right?
Let’s keep what needs to be kept, right! right!
Don’t ever forget this until you take all of his heart!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, even if I stay up all night, it’s not enough, everything everything
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, our biggest interest, everything everything
Listen to me, you all know him, right? He’s a bit young but he’s full inside
Sometimes he is as reliable as an oppa but when he acts charming, he is so cute
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you’re crazy, crazy
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you’re crazy, crazy
I’m really angry, my boy doesn’t look at me as a girl
What should I do when I feel hopeless? Should I make him feel jealous? I’m so upset! What do I do?
No way! No way!
Don’t stop! Let’s bring it back to 140
Always next to me, it’s you, who’s on my side and listens to me, you- you-
I’m happy as it is right now, cause everything will work
I got a boy, a handsome one!

SNSD – Time Machine Translate

English Translation
Alone in this slightly wide room unlike always
It’s over, guess it’s over
The story that we made went in vain
We fell apart this easily
One mistake, got a one regret
No one’s perfect
Even if I tried saying that,
Whatever I do, the wounds can’t heal
I’m going to embark on a time machine
If I would be able to go meet you again
I wouldn’t ask for more
Before it becomes a distant fleeting memory
I need a time machine oh
I need a time machine oh
The time I’m passing by alone is too slow
This mistake’s punishment is too heavy
The words that you last left
Up to now is replaying continuously
My heart still hurts
Just one mistake, just one regret
It’s selfish but it’s because love you
I’m going to embark on a time machine
If I would be able to go meet you again
I wouldn’t ask for more
Before it becomes a distant fleeting memory
I need a time machine
If I can jump through time and space and be able to meet you
Say, even if we come to the same conclusion,
there wouldn’t be any regrets for sure.
I’m going to embark on a time machine
If I would be able to go meet you again
I wouldn’t ask for more
Before it becomes a distant fleeting memory
Before our memories are forgotten
Gimme a time machine
Oh Gimme a time machine
Oh Gimme a time machine
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